Top Five Things I am Looking Forward To At XUG15EU – The XMPie Users Group Conference in BerlinRESSOURCEN

Top Five Things I am Looking Forward To At XUG15EU – The XMPie Users Group Conference in Berlin

By Christian Kopocz, CEO of prindoz (Germany) and XMPie User Group Board Member.

Next month I have the privilege of being a co-host of the inaugural XUG15EU XMPie Users Group Conference in Berlin.  This is a unique European event to complement our annual event in the USA which is happening later in the year.

The XMPie community is growing fast in Europe so there is pressing need to bring everyone together with common goals – to share knowledge, spark imagination and help everyone to get the most out of this amazing software.  It doesn’t matter if you are graphic artist, data expert, programmer, web designer, marketer or sales professional within your company – this is a one day learning opportunity with a strong focus on delivering information of take-home value that can be put to immediate benefit in your business.

So here are the five top things I’m looking forward to:

  1. I love being the first to know what’s coming next. XMPie is always releasing new products and updating their software and in Berlin the software developers from XMPie will be presenting their newest technology developments in the fields of variable data print, cross media, campaign management and Web-to-print.
  2. It is great to know that I’ll soon be connecting with not only the many XMPie Users from around the world that I have had the pleasure of getting to know over the years, but also for the opportunity to meet many new people and hear their success stories.
  3. XMPie software integrates with many other great products. AT XUG15EU we will hear from a few of these partner companies, such as Documobi, Locr, Chili Publisher and Hootsuite and learn how to get even more productivity from XMPie software.
  4. Nothing remains static: Times and markets are changing. I’ll take home inspirations, insights and strategies that can easily be put into action when I am home – motivated and prepared for the multichannel evolution.
  5. Berlin is one of Europe’s leading cosmopolitan centres and Germany’s capital city. It’s also a growing technology hub and the perfect European destination for the XUG to make their debut.  If you have time after the conference you can check out famous landmarks such as the Reichstag, the Brandenburg Gate, Checkpoint Charlie and what’s left of the Berlin Wall!

So don’t delay! XUG15EU is waiting for you! We’d love to see you in Berlin. Find out more and register online or see the buzz in social networks under hashtag #XUG15EU