XMPie Video Personalization Serves an Ace at Print 13RESSOURCEN

XMPie Video Personalization Serves an Ace at Print 13

Print13There were hundreds in line over the duration of the show. All ready to do their best at “winning” the US Open Tennis tourney.  With great anticipation, they entered the queue, put on their bright white polo shirt emblazoned with the logo, and prepared to do their best against their adversary. Anticipating serving match point, each “player” stared down their competition with a threatening glare.  Swaying side-to-side they showed that they were boss on this court and were ready to finish them off in this final set. Then, perfectly positioning themselves on the court and tossing the ball up with expert aplomb, they raised their racket and…SMASH – “ace’d” their opponent! The joy of winning this final point was immediately evident in their faces and they immediately raised their racket to show their preeminence on the court. Some jumped around, others raised a thumbs-up sign but all made it clear that they had “won” the US Open Tennis Championship.

Of course, there never was a real tennis match at the show and those that tried their luck at “winning” were actually winning something very different. Rather what they “won” was the chance to experience first-hand the power of video personalization with XMPie. This experience at Print 13 was the first time that any exhibitor has taken live video footage of participants and combined it with real footage and imagery in order to play out a compelling sports scenario. Best of all, after the movie was created, it was emailed to recipients and able to be downloaded, and shared on social media. If you want to see the final product, check out mine at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aq5sKjmhF2w&feature=youtube_gdata . It is pretty amazing considering that just a few years ago, videos were not even displayed on websites. And now, live footage is being magically combined with other clips and images to create a truly personal, memorable experience for attendees.

Of course there is no magic in this. It is done with the power of XMPie and any MPS, agency and enterprise marketer can do it too. Essentially, that is the point of the showcase – to demonstrate that with Adobe After Effects (AE) and the XMPie plug-in uDirect® Video, you can easily offer your customers the experience of personalized video. Just think of the impact of a movie where every text field, image, graphic, and movie clip is specially selected for each campaign recipient. What do you think is the response rate to a campaign in which your recipient views a movie on a tablet or smartphone with messages just for them? That answer can be found on one of my previous blogs here (http://blog.xmpie.com/2013/06/news-flash-personalized-video-secrets-revealed/.

So how are these movies created?  In short, the process is very simple and if you want to see how the US Open Tennis campaign was done please check out the short “how to” video clip on this webpage www.xmpie.com/PEVideo.

The point here is that personalized video is here – and growing very fast in usage by marketers in all types of industries. For providers that serve these companies with integrated, multi-channel campaigns, adding this capability has unmatched competitive advantage, providing new, highly profitable business opportunities and growth. It is truly the winning formula for success —and the perfect time for you to get in the game.

To learn more about XMPie Video personalization, contact me today at larry.zusman@us.xmpie.com or contact your local XMPie or Xerox sales representative.