Add fully automated electronic signature workflows to your omnichannel communications with XMPie's award-winning Adobe Sign integration.
Whether you want to create beautiful personalized signature-ready PDFs.
Or automate the entire signature process within your communications campaign.
You can do both with the XMPie Platform!
Start the Customer Journey
Compose a relevant and targeted signature-ready document from pre-designed templates. Your customers can digitally sign the documents from wherever they are, on any device.
Strengthen the Brand-Consumer Bond.
Use Digital Signature as part of a wider brand experience. Show your customers that you value their business at every step of the customer journey.
Communicate with one, thousands, or millions of customers.
Track Your Campaign
See how your customers are interacting with your signature-ready documents and all related communications from a single software platform.
See How It Works.
Experience a seamless and automated customer acquisition campaign with digital signature integration from ZIG Insurance, a fictional insurance provider.
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