Cross Media Marketing in Education.  Part 1: Reaching New StudentsRECURSOS

Cross Media Marketing in Education.  Part 1: Reaching New Students


Many colleges and universities are flocking to implement cross-media personalized marketing because it is a powerful way to build and maintain meaningful relationships with recipients – particularly in this age of all things digital. Couple a creative concept with the right technology and your marketing campaign is on the path to earning straight A’s in the eyes of students, alumni, parents and more.

If your college or university is considering a cross-media campaign to attract new students, this blog is for you. Below we will walk through an example of a fictional university’s cross-media marketing campaign from conceptualization to execution.

The campaign targets prospective students and will span various touch points including print, email and Web. The goal is to increase response rate/applications by giving timely and relevant information to the prospect and improve the overall ROI.

To start, the campaign is sketched out using XMPie’s Circle campaign management software. This allows you to map out the prospective student’s journey across every critical communication touch point. Each touch point and mockup is displayed along with each automated response trigger so that all stakeholders can see every step in the campaign workflow.


Let’s dive into the campaign.  The first touch points are engaging printed pieces – posters and flyers – with a call to action for prospective students to request more information about the university.When the individual scans the QR code or enters the URL into their web browser they are directed to a General URL (GURL) landing page to enter their information, discipline and areas of interest. Upon entering information, the student will receive a Personalized URL (PURL) with a link to a PDF document that is tailored to their request.

When the prospective student opens the PDF document they will find all of the specific information they requested from the university. The circled items below represent the variable items that have been personalized or customized to the recipient based on their responses to the questions on the form.

Gallant Brochure

The prospective student now has all the information they need at their fingertips. Additionally, the personalized brochure contains a unique link for the prospect to apply directly online, making it convenient and easy for interested students to take the next step.

Finally, Circle makes it easy for colleges and universities to monitor, track and measure the success of their marketing efforts.  Circle uses PersonalEffect Analytics so that marketers can gauge campaign performance, providing pertinent information that will allow you to make real-time adjustments to campaigns, if necessary.

If you want to learn more about this campaign and to see a demo, please fill out a request using the ‘Got Questions?’ form below.

Are you creating marketing campaigns in the education space? Tell us about your experience below!