Discover the Power of the PersonalEffect Print Platform – 26 Jun 2019RECURSOS

Discover the Power of the PersonalEffect Print Platform – 26 Jun 2019

graphic of a cheetah running

Think you have to choose between creatively-compelling design and high performance?

Think again!

XMPie PersonalEffect Print is an advanced VDP tool that uses an end-to-end Adobe InDesign workflow to generate high volumes of content-rich, personalized variable data print fast from any digital print press.

Join Hanan Weisman, VP, Custom Projects and IP at XMPie, to find out why the PersonalEffect Print solution is the VDP tool of choice for print service providers globally, how by using an InDesign-based solution you can achieve outstanding results for your clients, and why you never need to choose between design and performance again.

Also featuring XMPie Guru (aka Senior XMPie Technical Specialist), Mohammad Mansour who will share his tips for optimizing both your print designs and production workflow to ensure the best performance.

Learn how to:

– Prepare your designs to deliver high-volume, high-speed VDP jobs efficiently
– Reduce output file size with asset resolving
– Generate multiple outputs simultaneously with PersonalEffect’s Multi-Instances feature
– Optimize text or images with transparency effects

This webinar content is ideal for:
– Print Service Providers or Enterprises that are considering investing in VDP software.
– PersonalEffect Print users who want to get the most out of their XMPie solution.

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