Retail Marketing for Small Businesses – 30 Jul 2019RECURSOS

Retail Marketing for Small Businesses – 30 Jul 2019

Using the XMPie Platform to Solve Marketing Challenges

Does your client lack marketing know-how and resources? Don’t panic!


Watch the webinar replay to learn how to use the XMPie omnichannel marketing platform to create industry solutions for your small business clients and achieve their marketing goals.


Featuring Joël Rowland and Bob Barthen from the JR Group, and Amber Burns, from The 124 Group, who are using examples from their campaigns and exploring how to:


  • Highlight your marketing expertise to your prospective clients.
  • Identify your clients’ marketing challenges.
  • Use the data to approach prospects when they’re most receptive to your communications.
  • Launch marketing campaigns using the same tools and strategies as the major brands.
  • Automate your campaign production workflow.
  • Communicate with personalized messages that are synchronized across every channel.


This webinar replay will be beneficial for:

  • Small business owners who need help with their marketing challenges
  • Marketing professionals looking for new ideas for how to target and reach new customers.
  • XMPie VDP customers who are exploring omnichannel solutions.
  • Print Service Providers that want to offer additional and or improved services
  • Small to mid-size marketing companies looking for tools to improve their bottom line
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