Simplifying Document Signature Workflows with XMPie and Adobe SignRECURSOS

Simplifying Document Signature Workflows with XMPie and Adobe Sign

Does your business rely on documents that need to be signed and delivered promptly? Do you want your documents to be relevant and individualized to your customers? We’ve got just the solution for you: Our award-winning integration with Adobe Sign.

XMPie PersonalEffect users can now add fully automated electronic signature workflows to omnichannel customer communications campaigns with Adobe Sign – a cloud-based, enterprise-class e-signature service that lets businesses replace paper and ink signatures with electronic signatures.

By integrating Adobe Sign into our extendable PersonalEffect platform, you can seamlessly integrate a variety of channels – email, web or print – to create cohesive and relevant customer experiences. Campaign deployment is automated using XMPie’s marketing automation solution Circle, and document progress can be tracked directly from the Circle dashboard.

Need a Signature?

If you need a document to be signed during the communications campaign, you can send the link via email. The recipients simply click on the link to generate the personalized digital document that requires their signature.  This can be opened in any browser, and the recipients can type or draw their signature into the designated areas and hit send to complete the process or continue their journey.

And if you’re wondering about the legality of the signatures, we have you covered. All signatures are legally valid and are compliant with global e-sign laws.

Electronic Signatures in Action

Here’s an example of how it works:

Banco de Euro is a fictional bank that needs to communicate with customers who have recently applied for a loan. It needs to let the customers know their loan requests have been approved and they need to sign documents to complete the process. To kick off the campaign, the bank sends an email to each customer.

You can see that this is a very personalized email with information about the loan that the recipient requested – how much, for what – and is customized to give the relevant bank contact information to the recipient. As you can see, there is a clear call to action to sign the document.

In this case, the loan was requested by Heidi Drake, a young woman looking to purchase a new car. Heidi clicks on ‘sign document’ and the document appears.

Terms and Conditions document

Notice the document is customized to a young woman who wants a car – it’s personalized with her name, personal information and loan details. Once Heidi reads through the document, she hits ‘next’ to sign the document.

The document requires Heidi’s full name as a signature and her initials for certain clauses. She can complete both by typing them out. Once she signs all the appropriate line items, she clicks submit to complete the process.

pdf signed by Heidi Drake

Once the document is submitted, Heidi is directed to a personalized thank you page with contact information for her loan officer, should she have any questions. She can also download a signed copy of her document.

confirmation email for Heidi

At the same time, her loan officer was notified that the document was signed.

notification email to loan officer

This entire campaign was planned and automated from XMPie’s award-winning marketing automation software, Circle. Here’s the campaign flow:

Banco De Euro Digital Signature Campaign Flow (Circle)

For those enterprises already using XMPie, this workflow is a welcome addition.  For those of you with Adobe Sign, who have not yet started with XMPie, think of how much more relevant and compelling that your documents could be!

Want to learn more about the XMPie PersonalEffect and Adobe Sign integration? Send us a message below.