Cross Media Marketing in Education. Part 2: Alumni EngagementRESSOURCES

Cross Media Marketing in Education. Part 2: Alumni Engagement


Universities across the globe are using personalized marketing to engage alumni and build a network of graduates with a shared affinity for the institution. But helping former students stay connected to their alma mater isn’t always as easy as “ABC” – especially in a rapidly changing digital age.

In part one of our education blog series, we looked at how a cross-media campaign can attract new students. Below, we will walk through an example of how a university can maintain meaningful relationships with its alumni through a cross-media campaign that leverages targeted, personalized newsletters and videos.

In this scenario, the fictional Gallant University aims to cultivate relationships with alumni through a targeted newsletter as well as promote its 100 year Gala. With XMPie Circle campaign management software, the campaign is clearly displayed and easy to navigate. This allows the university to trace the journey of each alumni from one action to the next in an organized way.tablet


Using this tool, alumni are first engaged through a printed personalized newsletter targeted at specific disciplines including medical, business and law. Recipients will receive a newsletter that is customized with a success story that relates to their job field, as well as information about the upcoming Gallant University 100 Year Gala Dinner, opportunities to donate and a ‘Do You Remember?’ feature from the year they graduated.Blank/empty brochure on white background.

Next, alumni are directed to a personalized URL (PURL) that leads them to a video with an invitation to Gala Dinner. The personalized invitation adds an extra touch – it not only gives alumni a call to action, but is also specially tailored to their area of interest. Users can also RSVP and reserve their tickets to the event instantly.



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With this communication, the graduate now has all the Gala-related and registration information at their fingertips. When they register, they’ll receive a personalized “thank you” email confirming they have registered and that their tickets are reserved for the Gala Dinner.  If they forget to register, the alumni will receive a follow-up email to let them know that they can still make a donation and attend the Gala Dinner – providing a seamless experience from start to finish.

With XMPie Circle, colleges and universities are able to analyze the success of their alumni marketing campaigns. The below dashboard tracks population data, email performance, monetary donations and more. With this information, institutions can review campaign performance and determine real-time adjustments, if necessary.Analytics

Are you creating marketing campaigns in the education space? Tell us about your experience below!

If you want to learn more about this campaign and to see a demo, please fill out a request using the ‘Got Questions?’ form below. Stay tuned for Part III of our education series!