Aujourd’hui, partout où porte notre regard, tout est soigneusement conçu pour VOUS – le « client ». L’histoire est la même dans tous les médias. La copie est écrite, les images soigneusement sélectionnées, qui sauront satisfaire « votre » goût. Le narratif peut s’appuyer sur une tranche d’âge, une domiciliation, le statut familial ou ce que les spécialistes du marketing appellent le “psychological targeting”—Le contenu que vous obtenez désormais s’adresse, en règle générale, spécifiquement à « vous ». Nous sommes arrivés à un point où, si le narratif ne se lit pas et « se ressent » pas comme ne vous étant pas spécifiquement destiné, alors vous passez votre chemin et basculez sur du contenu qui, lui, l’est. Bref, le contenu personnalisé n’est pas quelque chose, pour les spécialistes du marketing, qu’il est « bien d’avoir », mais bien quelque chose qu’« on se doit d’avoir ».
Interactive content is the future. Our computers, now enabled with AI, can have a virtual dialogue with you akin to conversing with a “pseudo-mortal”—someday (according to AI gurus) to be a sentient being. When AI gets there, it will communicate with you at all levels and interact in ways never dreamed possible. But even before we get to that point, your world is very interactive right now, and the best way to reach someone is by providing them with the power to “interact” with media that in turn “interacts” with them.
Past purchases drive future behavior—and companies groom us like horse trainers groom champions. The name of the game in getting us to buy is Frequent, i.e., Frequent shopper, Frequent diner, etc. Companies are tracking us—and we know it and allow it. Cookies are more prevalent on websites than on store shelves and most often we accept them because we know that in doing so, they not only know who we are, but they also know what we like to buy – and will mostly buy again. The opportunity is in using that customer “intelligence” to send highly targeted content that is both personalized and interactive. As marketers know: Consumers give us their info because they expect something in return, namely, that we show them that we know them.
Our attention spans are shorter than ever. Enter interactive content that is highly digestible. Our personalized ActivGraphicsTM include several different layers and by using rollovers and reveals and other interactive elements, we can design content that is presented in understandable content blocks. It works by educating and illuminating the reader on the key messages.
Our world is remote and hybrid—from Starbucks to Starwood. We access our content from any location. We open our PCs in coffee shops, check our emails on cruise ships and by our hotel pool, and overall access content from virtually anywhere. Which means that our marketing needs the same “mobility” and that is what digital content offers.
The more touch points—digital and print, the more chance for a sale. Everything created in marketing needs to link to or reference something else. Products are explained through videos. Use cases need supporting materials, QR codes drive customers to landing pages, and web links deliver deeper understanding. Digital interactive media can link to everything. And as for print, it is a powerful addition to digital as it serves as another touchpoint—one that can uniquely add a physical dimension to a campaign.
You need customer information to close the deal. Landing pages are a fantastic way to capture interest and get leads. But how do you entice and make it easy for a prospect to go there? The answer is : with interactive, personalized media. With it, you can drive a customer right from an “eGuide” directly to the landing page where you can grab up the info you need to qualify and advance the conversation.
We love to mouse around. Humans by nature like to explore and see what is under the “rock” so to speak. Our ActivGraphics are designed to take advantage of this predisposition and are specifically created with interesting rollovers, reveals, and click throughs that encourage exploration. We guide you where to go through menus but if you want to jump off the path, we let you do that and find new content to explore.
Pictures tell good stories – and “changeable” pictures tell great ones. Imagine that you want to describe how your solution can be used in different ways. What is more effective than showing one image and having it change on roll over to another, and then another? With interactive media, you can create pictures that tell the perfect story to capture interest.
And the best reason of all to implement personalized, interactive campaigns is because now you can! With the power of XMPIe and Adobe, and the unique creative prowess of PIE Applied Design in developing personalized, interactive ActivGraphic e-content, you can now reach your audience with engaging, action-generating content that illuminates the value of your product, solution, or service.