XMPie Information Sources

The InfoPortal has been retired from use. Please take a look at the list of the available resources below for alternative locations.

  • Training Resources: These can all be found on the XMPie Campus, which is available for all customer that are currently paying for support & maintenance.
  • Latest Installers: Server Installers for all our products can be obtained via our Support Portal. Desktop installers for uCreate and uDirect can be also obtained from the XMPie Campus.
  • Customer Support: Any support cases or request for support should be done via our Support Portal.
  • Installer Guides: These are available for our Partners on the Partners Resource Page on the XMPie Campus.
  • XMPie Brochures: These can all be found in the Resource section on this website.
  • Proposal Generator: For XMPie Sales and Partners you can still access the Proposal Generator from ‘Other Resources’ menu on the XMPie Campus.

If you have any questions regarding these resources, or where to find a specific resource then please drop us an email at team@xmpie.com.