Learn from the Best at the Tenth Annual XMPie Users Conference. A Personal Note from Jacob Aizikowitz.RISORSE

Learn from the Best at the Tenth Annual XMPie Users Conference. A Personal Note from Jacob Aizikowitz.


An educational program led by XMPie R&D team, partners and experienced print and omnichannel marketers.


In just a couple of weeks, a large contingent of the XMPie Research and Development Team will be heading over to Orlando, Florida to meet up with XMPie Users and omnichannel marketers from around the world.  We’re getting together for the highlight of the XMPie Calendar – the XMPie Users Group (XUG) Annual Conference – which is taking place from October 29 to November 1.

For myself, this event is more than just a highlight, it’s an incredible opportunity for me and my team to learn from our users about how we can develop our products to better serve their business needs and solve their challenges.

We don’t want a one-way relationship with our customers, only interacting with them through support requests or sales efforts.  We want our customers to get face time with XMPie experts and developers. We want our customers to share their experiences, new feature ideas and how they want the software to develop for them in the future.

For our Research and Development teams, these interactions with direct exposure to our customers and their issues, ideas, and struggles are invaluable.  Only with these insights can we continue to help our customers succeed.

Ten years ago, we founded the XMPie Users Group to create a space for dialogue with our customers and I am proud to see how it has grown to become a dedicated community of users, peers and XMPie aficionados.

Today there is no other professionals group that has such a pure focus on individualized communications solutions with Print in the mix. And since XMPie serves the entire print industry and not just any one specific print technology, the XMPie Users Group is incredibly diverse and relevant for all users across our fields of expertise be it Data-Driven Print, VDP, Web-to-Print, Omnichannel Marketing or Campaign Automation.

We recently redefined XUG’s membership to include every XMPie customer who is covered by Annual Maintenance.  This means that all XMPie customers can attend User Group events, learn how to get the most from their investment in XMPie software and learn best practices from their peers, who are facing the same challenges as them.

So, if you’re an XMPie customer we very much hope to see you there.  We want to meet you, get a chance to hear you, and most importantly enable you to contribute to this unique community – a big village – of personalized and multichannel marketing professionals.

If you haven’t registered yet, you can do so via the XUG website: http://www.xmpieusers.org/xug17orlando-ticket/