Opéra de Montréal Hits a High Note with Personalized Customer CommunicationsRISORSE

Opéra de Montréal Hits a High Note with Personalized Customer Communications

Opera company grows customer satisfaction, loyalty and revenue using XMPie’s solution for individualized communications management

Most opera goers used to subscribe to an annual membership with the Opéra de Montréal, making up the bulk of their audience. But times are changing, and there’s a need to introduce new, single-ticket buyers to the opera. To do this, the opera company is using a solution for individualized communications management from XMPie – A Xerox Company – for the creation, production, deployment, tracking and measurement of one-to-one communications. Working with CGI, a leading IT & business services provider and one of Xerox’s partners, a new marketing strategy was developed to engage single-ticket holders five minutes after a performance ends.

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