XMPie Opens New Revenue Stream for Customers by Enabling Web-To-Print, Facebook IntegrationRISORSE

XMPie Opens New Revenue Stream for Customers by Enabling Web-To-Print, Facebook Integration

NEW YORK, July 2, 2012 – Customers of XMPie®, A Xerox Company, can now help brands capitalize on their social media presence and Facebook-following. Using uStore® Facebook Connect, a new technology from XMPie, customers with XMPie uStore can embed Web-to-print on their customers’ Facebook pages as an application, allowing fans to order branded print materials that are personalized using the fans’ Facebook data, and/or that of their friends.

“With uStore Facebook Connect, we give our customers the means to truly take their multichannel capabilities to new heights. Now they can create apps for their clients’ Facebook pages that enrich social media interactions by adding highly-personalized and relevant print to the media mix,” said Jacob Aizikowitz, president of XMPie. “This allows brands to add value to their social media presence while extending their online relationships with fans into the tangible and engaging physical world, creating an overall richer and more valuable brand experience.”

The experience of the Facebook user is simple. When individuals who are fans of a company visit the company’s Facebook page, they will see the application icon under the page’s cover photo. By clicking the icon, fans enter the uStore portal for this Facebook app where they can select an available document template, such as a calendar. After giving all permissions that are typically required, the document is then personalized with information from their Facebook profile. From there, an instant PDF proof of the personalized document can be generated, and/or the fan can move through the order process of final copy and delivery. If the fan allows it, an automatic status post to their Facebook wall can be triggered at this point to help the fan share the experience.

XMPie uStore Facebook Connect is an add-on available to customers with uStore 6.0 and PersonalEffect® Print MI or higher. This enables the XMPie customer to offer the application as a turnkey service to their clients—as well as own the data and create and fulfill the merchandise—elevating them to become a strategic solution provider for their clients. This is the first offering of its kind in the marketplace with this model.

Dynamic document templates for customization/personalization and purchase within the uStore portal are created by the service provider or marketing personnel using the XMPie uCreate™ plugin to Adobe® InDesign®, and can range from greeting cards, event invitations and various types of calendars, to booklets and posters. Such document templates can include variable elements, such as coupons, QR Codes, and even advertisements. XMPie will also make Facebook-ready dynamic document templates available on the XMPie Marketplace for purchase by customers.

“Facebook Connect technology allows XMPie customers to help brands strengthen their existing social media relationship with their fans, as well as attract more followers through their fans’ network as a result of its viral nature,” said Idan Youval, product manager, Business Portals, at XMPie. “This can be a very powerful brand builder for companies with thousands or millions of Facebook fans, plus it will drive more demand and volume for their print and marketing service providers. We were so pleased to see that visitors to our booth at drupa 2012 easily understood, saw the potential, and were excited to add the offering to their portfolio.”

XMPie uStore 6.0 and uStore Facebook Connect are now available worldwide. To learn more about these products and other XMPie solutions that power 1:1 multichannel marketing campaigns and Web-to-print sites, please call 212-479-5166 or visit www.xmpie.com.


Media Contact
Christine Winter
XMPie, A Xerox Company
(585) 422-2019

About XMPie
XMPie®, A Xerox Company, is the leading provider of software solutions for Individualized Communications Management (ICM). XMPie uniquely enables users to leverage customer information and efficiently and effectively manage 1:1 multichannel marketing campaigns for higher response rates and dramatic ROI. XMPie software solutions leverage the Adobe® platform and are available in three compatible product lines: uDirect® Print for desktop variable data printing, PersonalEffect® for server-based, integrated cross-media communications, and XMPie Hosted Services for subscription-based Software as a Service (SaaS) solutions. Add-on modules for custom configurations are available, including the award-winning uImage® for image and graphics personalization; uStore® for personalized Web-to-print and marketing portals; uChart® for dynamic charts and graphs; XMPie e-Mail Service™ for personalized email delivery and tracking; PersonalEffect Analytics for reporting and analysis of campaign performance; uDirect Video for cinematic-quality video personalization; and XMPie Mapping Service™ for personalized street and city maps. XMPie is headquartered in New York with an R&D center in Israel, and sales, support and professional service operations in the U.S., Europe and Asia Pacific. For more information, visit www.xmpie.com.

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© 2012 XMPie®, A Xerox Company. All rights reserved. XMPie, the XMPIE logo, PersonalEffect, uCreate, uStore, and the slogan “one to one in one” are trademarks or registered trademarks of XMPie, and may not be used without permission. All other names are property of their respective owners.