The Complete Toolset
Recognize trends and track how each recipient is interacting with your different marketing initiatives and channels over time. Learn how your marketing initiatives are actually contributing to the bottom line. Use your analytics to adapt and modify your ongoing marketing efforts to increase performance and ROI.
Simply activate tracking to begin collecting recipient data and monitoring responses. By leveraging Tracking APIs, data from external systems - such as CRM systems and call centers, can also be incorporated create a single repository for all campaign responses.
Create detailed reports and charts such as KPI reports using gauge-style charts for a quick view into campaign performance to assess your winning touch points.
Leverage in-depth analysis in real time to reveal trends and refine your communications.
Track recipient-level campaign activity across all media channels
Featuring the uProduce™ Marketing Console, a graphics-rich, Web-based dashboard, providing detailed charts and graphs that highlight important campaign metrics. By integrating media and event information with relevant variable information,you have an unprecedented view into campaign performance through one, customizable tracking interface.
Adapt your campaign in real time
Any variable element used in a campaign, regardless of touch point type, can be tracked, analyzed and reported on in real time. All response activity – such as an email read, a button pushed, or a link clicked – is recorded and can be used in campaign analysis. With accurate metrics, marketers can analyze campaign performance and choose to refine offers, messaging, target populations, and even change the medium of communication. This agility when managing live campaigns will make your marketing communications more precise, relevant and effective.
PersonalEffect Analytics is available in two editions: Signature and Premier
PersonalEffect Analytics is available in two editions: Signature and Premier. Both editions provide enhanced charts and graphs, support multiple user logins, and allow campaign stakeholders to create and edit their own reports. Additionally, the Premier edition allows for multiple dashboards to be created and branded to end customers, supports the mobile Marketing Console iPhone app, and gives users access to the APIs, which allows for third-party system integration.