Ideal for generating high volumes of personalized Variable Data Print.
With PersonalEffect's auto-scale ability, job processing will leverage a high degree of concurrent parallel processing across all cores of a given server.
Stay within your InDesign document template from design to production. There's no need to convert it to any other format.
Repeat workflows, like processing your job with new data, are simple and streamlined because the Design Template, the Variability Rules, and the Data are only linked at composition time, on-demand.

Variable Data Print capabilities built on Adobe Layout Technology
Add personalization within the industry-leading page design and layout toolset - Adobe InDesign.

Preview document for each individual recipient inside Adobe InDesign
Copy fitting supported to support overflow/underflow. Fitting an image to a frame supported

Robust built-in support for barcodes
Simply create and customize your barcode as a variable graphic element in uCreate Print. A large selection of industry-standard barcodes is supported, including QR Codes, ISBN, GS1 barcodes including Data Bar, KIX and more.

Connect to any data source
Simple Excel spreadsheets, comma separated or tab delimited text files. Complex data sources including live, remotely accessed, multi-table and/or SQL databases

Most industry standard output formats supported
Including PDF, PDF/VT, PostScript, PPML, VDX, VIPP and VPS
A completely scalable solution
You can easily add production capacity or fault-tolerance to your print operation, or even expand into other areas such as multichannel communications.