XMPie Video Service What’s New
Version 1.9.8
Released January 8, 2024 | Watch a short video overview | See XVS release notes

Support for Adobe CC-2024
This version supports Adobe After Effects CC-2024.

Support for macOS Sonoma
uMerge Video 1.9.8 supports macOS Sonoma (version 14).

Asset webhook
This webhook allows you to get or generate images, audio or video files during the rendering process, that will be used as assets in the current project, instead of having to pre-generate assets and upload them to the server manually.
There are several types of asset webhooks:
- Simple: Retrieves an image, audio or video file from a URL.
- Custom: Utilizes a third party service, which then provides a URL to an image, video, or audio file. For example, you can invoke third-party services for creating AI-generated content.
- Personalia: Retrieves a personalized image generated in Personalia.
- Text to Speech (TTS): This technology enables text to be converted into speech audio imitative of the human voice. It automatically converts dynamic text, composed from the record tag values, into dynamic audio assets, and embeds these assets in the personalized videos.
Analytics webhook
The new analytics webhook enables connectivity with third-party analytics systems.
The webhook triggers an API for each analytic event that is written to the XVS database. For example, whenever the 10% segment event is written, a webhook event is triggered which sends the event to a 3rd party application, such as Google Analytics.
CSV upload improvement
The uploading speed of the CSV file to XVS is now 10 times faster than before.
CSV error handling
During the CSV upload, XVS now collects the records which have errors and combines them into a new error CSV file. This file can be easily downloaded, fixed, and uploaded back to XVS.
New Visibility tag
A new type of tag has been added – Visibility. This tag controls the visibility of the objects to which the tag is assigned.
When you assign a visibility tag to an object in your design, you can control whether the object will be visible or hidden. For example, if you have a personal message that is appropriate only for male recipients, you can create a visibility tag called “IsMale”. You can then select the object that includes the message and assign the “IsMale” tag to this object.
The values of the Visibility tag in the data source can be either 1 or True (visible), 0 or False (hidden).
Extended tagging – overview | Video training
Up until now, all you could customize in your videos were assets (image, sound or video), text and text color. Now, you can easily customize so much more.
Customization options are now unlimited: you can tag many objects and properties in the design, such as shape, object position, fill color, stroke color, object size, opacity, rotation, etc.
This significantly enhances the designer’s creative abilities, allowing the designer to generate dynamic visualizations like charts, graphs, and maps.
You can create your own templates or download templates from video stocks, and tag objects within the templates to make them dynamic.
This video shows how to create a dynamic hart by tagging properties.
Extended tagging – color tag enhancements
The Color tag can now be applied not only to text but also to an object’s color properties, and to effects that contain color properties. For example, you can tag a shape’s stroke and fill colors, or tag an object using the “Change to Color” effect.
In this example, the star’s fill and stroke colors have been tagged; the car color has been tagged using the “Change to Color” effect.
Extended tagging – text tag enhancements
The Text tag values can now be not only text but also numbers or arrays, and can be applied to various properties of an object. For example, you can set the scale, position, opacity or rotation of an object. You can also tag a slider control.
This can be useful, for example, for generation of dynamic graphs and for the indication of locations on maps.
In this example, the bar chart template is made dynamic by tagging text values and colors.
Extended tagging – examples
The line chart template is made dynamic by tagging text values and colors.
The world map template is made dynamic by tagging the pin position and setting expressions.
The 3D pie chart template is made dynamic by tagging text values and colors.